Overview of Racebile
How to draw a hex map
cx, cy, scale = 0, 0, 1
def raw_hax_coord(x, y):
xs, ys = 3 * cos(pi/3), sin(pi/3)
xi, yi = (xs * x, ys * (x + y * 2))
return xi, yi
def hex_coord(x,y):
xi,yi = raw_hax_coord(x,y)
xi = width // 2 + (xi-cx) * scale
yi = height // 2 + (yi-cy) * scale
return xi, yi
def draw_hex(xi, yi, color):
for k in range(round(-scale*cos(pi/3)), round(scale*cos(pi/3))+1):
m[round(xi+k)][round(yi+scale*sin(pi/3))] = color
m[round(xi+k)][round(yi-scale*sin(pi/3))] = color
for k in range(0, scale + 1):
corner_x, corner_y = scale*cos(pi/3), scale*sin(pi/3)
m[round(xi-corner_x-k*cos(pi/3))][round(yi-corner_y+k*sin(pi/3))] = color
m[round(xi-corner_x-k*cos(pi/3))][round(yi+corner_y-k*sin(pi/3))] = color
m[round(xi+corner_x+k*cos(pi/3))][round(yi-corner_y+k*sin(pi/3))] = color
m[round(xi+corner_x+k*cos(pi/3))][round(yi+corner_y-k*sin(pi/3))] = color
def draw_hex_grid():
for i in range(x_min-1, x_max+1+1):
for j in range(y_min-1, y_max+1+1):
xi, yi = hex_coord(i, j)
if not (scale <= xi < width-scale and scale <= yi < width-scale):
color = (255, 255, 255)
draw_hex(xi, yi, color)
The rules of the game
Technical values:
sips = {
"turn": 0,
"off_map": 0,
"gas": 0,
"bonk": 0,
"gear_box": 0,
"start_last": 0,
"end_first": 0,
"halfway_cheer": 0,
"goal_cheer": 0,
"koblingsfejl": 0,
"no_sips": 0
total_sips = sips["turn"] +
(sips["gas"]-2 if sips["gas"] > 2 else 0) +
5.5 * sips["off_map"] +
sips["bonk"] +
11 * sips["gear_box"] +
sips["start_last"] +
sips["end_first"] +
sips["halfway_cheer"] +
sips["goal_cheer"] +
if total_sips == 0:
sips["no_sips"] = 1
total_sips = 1
Stats we want to check
- Average drinking is checked on 100.000 turns
- player pass goal is checked on 10.000 laps
Loop map
Average drinking |
4.288773125 |
4.189491428 |
4.097925 |
4.024711 |
3.961765 |
3.97142 |
4.097325 |
4.94921 |
First player pass goal |
9.1454 |
9.1583 |
9.1791 |
9.2633 |
9.3687 |
9.5306 |
9.9845 |
11.864 |
Range |
(7-13) |
(7-14) |
(7-14) |
(7-14) |
(7-21) |
(7-21) |
(7-28) |
(7-45) |
Last player pass goal |
20.7261 |
19.8523 |
18.7916 |
17.9137 |
16.5963 |
15.4297 |
13.7969 |
11.864 |
Range |
(11-57) |
(10-73) |
(10-57) |
(10-57) |
(9-63) |
(9-62) |
(8-55) |
(7-45) |
Average drinking |
2.72848125 |
First player pass goal |
10.9374 |
Range |
(8-14) |
Last player pass goal |
15.5947 |
Range |
(13-20) |
RTFM map
Average drinking |
5.493911875 |
5.278994285714286 |
5.2972 |
First player pass goal |
7.8611 |
7.9117 |
9.7178 |
Range |
(5-12) |
(5-12) |
(6-17) |
Last player pass goal |
14.0591 |
13.6372 |
9.7178 |
Range |
(10-24) |
(10-26) |
(6-17) |
Average drinking |
4.737034583333333 |
4.36097625 |
4.282558571428571 |
5.1265 |
First player pass goal |
19.26 |
19.1373 |
19.1295 |
21.2883 |
Range |
(14-26) |
(14-25) |
(14-27) |
(14-32) |
Last player pass goal |
30.0121 |
27.4463 |
26.8214 |
21.2883 |
Range |
(24-56) |
(21-54) |
(20-52) |
(14-32) |